
Part 60: OS upgrade made my Raspberry Pi 4 literally cooler

Ever since I started my What's up, home? project back in the spring of 2022, the Raspberry Pi 4 I bought back then has been running on Raspberry OS 11 -- or, a rebranded Debian 11 with a splash of love to make it perfect for these little credit-card sized computer marvels.

Today I took a brave step and upgraded my Raspberry Pi to Rasberry Pi OS 12, or again, to modified Debian 12. Even though Debian 12 has been out for some time now, Raspberry Pi OS 12 only came out late last year. 

Part 37: Welcome, Zabbix 6.4.0(rc1), possibly with a trivial bug

Three cheers for dynamic item value background colours! I just upgraded to Zabbix 6.4.0rc1 and the new dynamic panels literally bring new colour to my life. But... YO ZABBIX TEAM! Did I find a bug?

I updated to Zabbix 6.4.0 release candidate one about 30 minutes ago, and one immediate thing I have waited to get to do would be to start using the dynamic colours in the item value panels.

YAY! Now I have them.

Not yet in all of my panels, but I decided to come and write this blog post immediately for two reasons:

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