Three cheers for dynamic item value background colours! I just upgraded to Zabbix 6.4.0rc1 and the new dynamic panels literally bring new colour to my life. But... YO ZABBIX TEAM! Did I find a bug?
I updated to Zabbix 6.4.0 release candidate one about 30 minutes ago, and one immediate thing I have waited to get to do would be to start using the dynamic colours in the item value panels.
YAY! Now I have them.
Not yet in all of my panels, but I decided to come and write this blog post immediately for two reasons:
1. I never know when our baby wakes up and potentially interrupts my home monitoring project.
2. I might have immediately stumbled upon a small bug. If this is true, our magical freezer which started my journey to Zabbix community would be part of the show once again.
Am I doing this wrong?
So here's my thresholds for the freezer temperature. At first I only added the minus temperatures, but since the panel did not start to show up any colors, I tried adding 0 and one positive value too, as the outdoors temperature with just a single digit minus temperature is working OK. Additionally I tried to define the threshold to be exactly the current temperature of our freezer. No bonus.
Other than that, smooth sailing
For the other aspects the upgrade experience was very smooth. With my small home setup, the upgrade took maybe one-two minutes in total. And, unlike with Zabbix 6.0 --> 6.2 upgrade, with this 6.2 --> 6.4 upgrade the Grafana Zabbix plugin seems to continue to work smoothly, or at least I can see stuff on my Grafana too. Did not try to modify anything yet, though.
Nevertheless, here begins my adventure with the mighty new Zabbix 6.4.x generation. WOHOO!
Update: I created a bug report to Zabbix support about this case.
Update #2: Hey, looks like the bug is fixed and the patch will be included on Zabbix 6.4.0rc2! That was fast. I'll be waiting for rc2.
I have been working at Forcepoint since 2014 and since then done quite a few Zabbix upgrades.
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