Part 52: Thank you for the Summit!


Thanks everyone for the awesome Zabbix Summit 2023! It was a pleasure, yet again. Here's just a quick update, as unfortunately I was sick for several days last and this week.

Now... the QR code thing I did show to you during my first speech. The next day I told that total I saw about 800 hits to that page. Of course, we had a joker in our audience who wanted to refresh the page more than once, and he admitted that to me after the event on LinkedIn. :) 


Zabbix Summit scan peak

Removing him from the equation, we have about 200 scans, which is pretty good.

Next, demonstrating you how my Home Assistant & iCloud integration keeps track of my movements. Here's time range between October 5th 16:00 to October 8th 12:00, when we were in Riga. This is from Grafana's TrackMap panel, but I guess similar functionality would soon be possible in Zabbix with the upcoming 7.0 widget refresh.

Grafana Trackmap panel

Thank you and see you again next year!

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