Part 104: Track your PEF results with Zabbix

What's up, home? part 104 cover image

I've had a very long-running on-off asthma-stylish cough, recently getting worse than ever. No worries, my dear readers, I can live normal life, I go to work, live with my family, do all that, everything is well apart from annoyance.

Anyway, fpr debugging me, the doctors have taken all kinds of tests from me and the latest one is that I'll be doing PEF tests for two weeks twice a day. In PEF tests, you blow to a meter which then tells how many liters per minute you can huff and puff. For tracking the results, they gave me a paper. PAPER. PAPER! That blows. 

As a good citizen, I'm going to fill in the paperwork too, but of course I'm now tracking my PEF results with Zabbix.

The method I'm using is the good old Apple Shortcuts I've used in the past for other stuff in this blog, too. This might be the first time though when the shortcut I use is asking for user input and then entering that to Zabbix.

Setting up the shortcut

Without further ado, here are the shortcuts I'm using. They ask for the PEF result and then post it to my Zabbix over Zabbix 7.0 history.push API call. These shortcuts are handy, as I can run those on my Mac, as well through my iPhone.Cove

Two shortcuts, before and after medicineShortcut

Zabbix side

On Zabbix, I simply have a host for this called PEF, and two items on it, one for before the medicine and one after the medicine. .

ItemsItem details

This is it! 

How the results look like?

The results are exactly like your usual Zabbix stuff. If I run my shortcut and go to Zabbix latest data, here it is:

PEF results latest data

... and of course I created a simple dashboard.

PEF dashboard

In the end, few clicks here, few clicks there, and it was done. Monitoring this kind of stuff with Zabbix is easy!

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