
Part 84: Increase the availability of your Selenium with HAProxy

Who wouldn't need a HAProxy in front of their Selenium instances at home? I guess nobody would NEED it but here we are.

I had my Zabbix Selenium tests running on my personal Mac. The trouble is/was that if I took my Mac away from home, or did take it offline for any reason, my tests broke. That. Is. Not. Good.

Part 80: Monitor your new Selenium

A quick tip to possibly give you new ideas.

As Zabbix got the new fantastic Selenium-based synthetic web tests, you will now have a new component to monitor. How do you monitori Selenium? With Zabbix, of course! If you are inpatient, feel free to download my very bare bones example template.

Part 31: Welcome to my new virtual home!

New year comes with new ideas, so I decided to move my blog from LinkedIn to a dedicated website, This week I'll write about the rationale of my move.

LinkedIn articles did serve my blogging purposes quite well. However, now that my home monitoring thing has become a real thing, it was time to setup a real domain for the blog. 

But why?

A real domain and a dedicated content management system do become with apparent benefits.

Part 11: Say cheese!

Can you take screenshots of your monitored websites with Zabbix? Of course you can! By day, I earn my living by being a monitoring tech lead in a global cyber security company. By night, I monitor my home. Welcome to my weekly blog about how I monitor my home with Zabbix & Grafana and do some weird experiments with them.

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